Saturday, March 28, 2009

the storm

Reccing Note: Companion to Prey. Davis introspective, because you know you want to get into his head.

the storm
503 words. pg. s8 prey
by capriciouswind at her livejournal. Yes. the love.

Outside and within, a storm rages on.

Not for the first time, he arrived home to an empty apartment. He had been absolved of any crimes, rewarded as a hero, yet all he could feel was weary and defeated.

Davis moved to open the curtains to try and shed some light into his dark, damp apartment. Looking out the window, he frowned, noticing the cloud formations on the horizon and a flash of lightening in the distance. A storm was rolling in, despite the sunshine that had illuminated the sky earlier. It was a sign for sure. He sighed heavily and tossed his hat and jacket on the nearby table and sat himself down in his recliner. He closed his eyes for a moment, visualizing what had happened earlier in the day.

“I think it’s best if I don’t see you for awhile,” she said. And before giving him any chance to respond, she walked away.

As he watched her, his hands had clenched the edge of the table to prevent him from chasing after her and convincing her otherwise of her parting words.

He had moved in too fast. He had said too much, too soon. He knew it as soon as the words had flown out of his mouth. When he saw her playing with the ring on her left hand, he knew that she wasn’t ready to admit anything yet. But in his need for her, he grew hasty and greedy. He needed her to know how he felt before something bad happened. Something that he couldn’t control. Something that he didn’t even fully understand himself.

Now, alone in his apartment, Davis chastised himself. Davis spoke the truth when he told Chloe that love was a foreign word to him. All his life, he moved from foster home to foster home. Sometimes he was abused. Sometimes he wasn’t. Sometimes he was cared for. Sometimes he wasn’t. Regardless, Davis didn’t have high expectations of people, nor did they have them of him. So he really shouldn’t have expected anything from Chloe Sullivan.

Yet he did. He expected so much.

The sound of thunder interrupted his thoughts and Davis stood up to peer outside again. The rain was growing heavier by the second. He wondered where Chloe was at that moment. He wondered if she was staring outside a window, thinking about him. Or if she was she running through the storm, trying to escape the harsh pellets of raindrops that fell overhead? Or was she with Jimmy or Clark, giving them her warmth and comfort. Giving them her love.

The unfamiliar feeling of hatred suddenly coursed through his body, along with the familiar dark ache in the pit of his stomach. As the storm in Metropolis grew, so did the storm within himself. While his eyes grew heavier and began to close, he pictured Chloe's smiling face. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to protect her from the storm that raged within him, but now Davis feared that she would be the first casualty.

Before the blackness overtook him, he briefly wondered why he thought that.

drop the love. ^-^

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