Wednesday, November 4, 2009

awakening from darkness

Reccing Notes: One of the first fics my newly Chlavis starved mind latched onto. It gets into a really interesting issue I think. What if Davis's other half had proved a danger to Chloe? And what about those powers of hers? The darkness of the image (Prey vibes!) spoke to me. Hope it does the same to you!

by voodooman at a click away
418 words, pg-13, bloodline and plastique

The darkness lifted and his vision finally started to get back to him.

The darkness lifted and his vision finally started to get back to him. He was breathing heavily and his heart was beating stronger and faster than it ever had after a blackout.

It was only after the dizziness lifted that he noticed that he was standing on his own feet. He lowered his gaze to his feet. He very slowly brought it up and noticed that someone was standing there in front of him. A woman.

His gaze went along her legs, up her stomach and chest. That was when his horror took new dimensions. His own hand had pierced through her. There, where her heart should be, his hand had gone through.

He closed his eyes tightly and fought the wave of nausea that was washing over him. He shivered and was afraid to open his eyes. Bile was making its way up his throat. He heard a soft whimper from the woman in front of him. So she was still alive? Barely.

“Davis.” she whispered softly. His eyes flew open and found hers.

“God, no! No!” he cried. Her body shook, she was pale and sweat had broken out on her forehead.

“It’s ok…. Ok” she mumbled. Her body sank to the ground after he finally retracted his hand. He caught her and held her. He cried into her neck, her hair and rocked her roughly with him. All the while muttering “I’m so sorry, so sorry.” Over and over again.

His sobs and crying went on for hours. His face was still buried in her hair.

After five hours he stopped crying. After seven he stopped rocking roughly. After nine he stopped moving at all. All the while holding her. Blaming himself. Hating himself. Hating the darkness.

He was still beside her, holding her when she started to move after 23 hours. At first he thought that his tiredness was playing with his mind. That he was only imagining things. But then she started to move, to breath, to stir.

And he felt like something had kicked him in the stomach. His head and neck felt cold and hot then cold again. He was shaking and a hysterical laugh was starting to built up inside of him. But all of his worries died when her eyes opened and searched for him.

She let him hold her then. Crush her to him. Hold on to her for dear life, and even after he had fallen asleep in her arms, did she not shy away from him, or turn away from him in disgust.

“It’s ok now Davis…it’s ok…”


  1. OMG! You yanked my emotions around like a sock puppet!

    Such a ghastly, horrifying image---Chloe suspended in the air with Davis's fist through her heart!....She dies, while seemingly forgiving him.

    Then epic grief, mourning and self-loathing. (I could totally see Davis never leaving her side for eternity.)

    And finally the(unexpected, for me at least)return of Chloe's healing powers. A tender ending.

    Just Wow!

  2. Oh yes, yes yes. We are so agreed on this!

    When I dead this my eyes near about popped into my sickets. Ghastly like whoa and somehow romantic. You may have just fixed said author's headache. ;)
