Monday, January 4, 2010


Reccing Notes: Okay, I've tortured you with depressing for the new year, Thea. Thankfully for you, nonky's been on a roll. Only a little angsty this time. In this short emotionally gripping fic, those walls of Jericho do come down.

by nonky at her livejournal
370 words, nc-17, beast

Both of them were worried they would get lost in what they felt and surface to find they'd used up everything too quickly.

The bed and breakfast they checked into was fashionably rustic, and there was no television in the room. Chloe and Davis settled in as well as they could, each taking a side of the bed and sticking to it.

She was no longer sure she soothed him, and he seemed absolutely terrified of her. They were taking a break until one of them had the nerve to start a serious talk. Every time she touched him, The Beast settled, and something in Davis coiled tighter. Every caring gesture he made to somehow make up for the loss of all her debatable normality made Chloe want to grind on his lap.

They had to be close. It wasn't a matter of choice anymore. Both of them were worried they would get lost in what they felt and surface to find they'd used up everything too quickly. For all she knew, Chloe would live forever next to Davis, a perpetual guardian for all of humanity. She hated how wonderful that sounded.

They leaned over their careful gap for the goodnight kiss that was their only safe sex, and Chloe shivered. Davis put his hands up to her arms and rubbed, raising static over her sweater. She broke their chaste kiss for a second. The tingling energy over her skin was spreading, overtaking nerves. He was already holding her.

The atmosphere around them was crackling with electricity by the time she thought to pull away, and it was too late. Davis smoothed her limbs flat to the bed and stripped her. He wetted most of her body with his mouth and the sweat from his hands. Night kept going in excruciating surges of arcing passion. She came like a slavering madwoman convulsing with electroshock, bucking him high. She came to; singed, still pinned, still filled, still getting fucked because Davis never really had to stop. He slipped from her, rolled them over, and Chloe rasped her fingers through his hair as he moved in her again. She kept her eyes on the sparks that flew up.

If she met his eyes again she'd be lost. Her trembling chin moved to intercept his mouth, and his gaze was the only thing there was.


  1. Wow. This was intensely passionate from the starting line, and the heat managed to get even hotter. Impressive.

    Thanks for posting this, VagrantDream.

  2. hee! This fic was accused of killing the Chlavis shippers dead.

    And I really really love how she get into the character's passions keeping them in character.

    You prompted my rereading of this too, and I cannot disagree. ;)

    You're welcome!
